“The lie of the pro-immigration Brussels politicians has been uncovered, because it has once again transpired that Brussels has taken the side of the UN Global Compact for Migration, and ‘although they tried to mislead us’ that the migration package will not be mandatory, they are attempting to adopt it despite the fact that nine EU member states, including Hungary, did not vote for it”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared.

In a statement following a meeting of foreign minsters from the EU’s member states and the countries of the Arab league in Brussels, Mr. Szijjártó stressed that it is absolutely clear that the plans have been drawn up in both New York and Brussels with relation to how, if the Global Compact for Migration is not successfully adopted as a whole, it can be ‘pushed through in parts’ and made a legal basis of reference and a part of international legal and political life. “Hungary is playing with an open hand, honestly and clearly. It did not support the Global Compact and made it clear that it will resist all attempts to reinforce it after the fact”, he said.

With relation to the draft closing document of the meeting, he underlined that Hungary can agree on many things, bot not on one. It continues to be unable to talk about migration as something that should be handled, and to regard migration as something that does not bear with it a security risk, and it will also not be a partner in bringing the UN Global Compact for Migration back “though the back door”, he declared. “If we want to adopt joint documents, the Global Compact for Migration cannot be a part of them. Because that is only good for launching new waves of migration and for ignoring the rights of those who would like to live in peace in their own homes without having the make-up of their country’s population changed”, he underlined. He highlighted, however, that we must cooperate with the countries of the Arab League in several areas, including in the interests of security, stability and economic development. With relation to this, he declared that the EU must base its policy on mutual respect, because external intervention attempts and certain international political decisions have led to destabilisation is several countries. “Democracy export aspirations must be cut out of the system of relations”, he stressed.

On the subject of action to combat terrorism, he drew attention to the fact that having been forced to retreat the Islamic State terrorist organisation is changing its tactics, an important element of which is that it is helping its fighters return to Europe. In the interests of preventing this, we need strong border protection and close border protection cooperation between the states of the EU and the Arab League, he declared.

The Minister also mentioned that the region’s population retention capability must be increased, because while the countries in question had a population on 398 million in 2015, this is expected to increase to 520 million by 2030. “Middle Eastern and African countries must be helped to ensure that their citizens can remain at home. If this is unsuccessful, it will represent a major security risk to Europe’, he declared.

As he explained, Hungary is involved in bilateral border protection cooperation with Tunisia and Libya, jointly with the countries of the Visegrád Group (V4). It is also conducting the Hungary Helps Program, within the framework of which the Hungarian Government has provided 24 million euros so far to help Christian communities remain in place. It is also financing the operation and refurbishment of schools and hospitals in Syria and Iraq. And finally, it is maintaining its scholarship programme for students from the countries of the Arab League, and is also facilitating economic development via aid programmes”, Mr. Szijjártó stated.

The Minister said that on the sidelines of the EU-Arab league foreign ministers’ meeting he had held successful bilateral talks with the foreign ministers of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Sudan, as well as with Palestine’s Minister of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs.

On Monday, the meeting of EU and Arab League foreign ministers made preparations for the EU-Arab League Summit scheduled to take place in Egypt on 24-25 February. In addition to regional issues, current global challenges were also discussed at the meeting, including challenges relating to migration, terrorism, the human rights situation and climate change.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)