“The attack in Manchester on Monday evening was the most malicious terrorist attack possible in view of the fact that it was common knowledge that many children would be present at the event”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said.

The Minister highlighted that there were still no reports of any Hungarians being injured. “The Ministry has contacted the police authorities investigating the attack, according to whom the identification of the victims is still ongoing, but for the moment they have no knowledge of any Hungarians having been involved”, he said.

“The injured are being treated in eight different hospitals and these institutions are in the process of being contacted” he explained. “No people who are worried about friends or relatives have contacted the Hungarian Embassy, but he Hungarian Consulate’s phone number has been given to the hospitals treating the inured, asking to be contacted if any Hungarian citizens do emerge”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

The diplomatic liaison officer has contacted local Hungarians to seek information, but none of them are aware of any Hungarian victims, he noted.

“In recent decades Europe has never had to fact such a serious terrorist threat, and accordingly all European politics should be aimed at restoring the security of Europa and the European people”, Mr. Szijjártó stressed, declaring that “This is the duty of all politicians and no one should underestimate the security threat”.

The Foreign Minister said that the Hungarian Government condemns the terrorist attack in the strongest possible terms and expresses its condolences to the families of the victims, as well as wishing the injured a speedy recovers. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has sent a letter of condolence to his British counterpart Theresa May, as had he himself to British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

In reply to a question, Mr. Szijjártó says the Ministry is asking everyone who is travelling to the United Kingdom to closely adhere to security regulations and the requests of the authorities, and to be particularly cautious and inform consular services of their location.

Also in reply to a question, Mr. Szijjártó said that the investigation into the bus accident near Verona, Italy was still in progress and the Ministry was continuously urging the Italian authorities to provide the families of the victims with the required documentation, which will hopefully occur soon.

In reply to another question, the Foreign Minister said there was no further information with regard to the minibus full of Hungarian schoolchildren that has been attacked by migrants neat the French port of Calais. He had ordered Hungary’s foreign representations in France and the United Kingdom to assist those involved and to provide the required legal assistance if they decide to press charges.

Replying to a further question, Mr. Szijjártó explained that cooperation against terrorism was a global issue, we must all act to together to combat terrorism, and Hungary has nothing to be ashamed of in this regard in view of the fact that it is part of a Global Coalition To Counter ISIS. “The widest possible international cooperation is required, because the fight against terrorism is in all of our interests”, he pointed out.