István Mikola said in Budapest that while some non-governmental and professional organisations are worried, others are confident and are hoping that they will benefit from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement to be concluded between the European Union and the United States.

The Minister of State for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) said that „concerns, confidence and hopes jointly appeared” during the consultations held with professional organisations.

While some organisations raised their concerns, others are confident as they could benefit in many areas from the agreement if well drafted, he said.

The MFAT is holding consultations with 37 civil societies and professional organisations but several others indicated that they would join the consultation. The government welcomes this with open arms: „the gate is open”, the Minister of State said.

He emphasised that professional consultation is important because Hungarian national interests must be represented within the European Union through future negotiations with the United States. The Minister of State repeated that professional consultations preceding the free trade agreement negotiations still lack full transparency. He added that the U.S. negotiating partner has showed more openness recently, after having understood this expectation.

It is a question of crucial importance throughout the negotiations whether a court of arbitration or national courts act in cases of dispute. According to Hungary’s standpoint national jurisdiction is the appropriate forum.

Another matter of importance is the exclusion of the cultivation of genetically modified plants (GMO). Hungary also establishes its GMO-free status in its Fundamental Law.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)