“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is providing 11 million forints in emergency humanitarian aid to Sri Lanka following the recent terrorist attacks”, the Ministry’s Parliamentary State Secretary Levente Magyar said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Wednesday.

According to the statement, the Ministry is providing aid to Sri Lanka to alleviate the aftereffects of the terrorist attack and to provide assistance to seriously injured survivors. “The aid is supplementing the 9 million forints in funding already pledged via the Hungary Helps Program”, he added. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade was shocked to learn of the series of brutal terrorist attacks committed in Sri Lanka during the Easter holidays. The series of attacks involving several bombings on 24 April claimed the lives of at least 321 people and left over 500 people injured, Mr. Magyar recalled, stressing: “This mass murder is further proof of the fact that Christianity is under attack, and its defence is the joint duty of all states that have a Christian culture”.