“The opinion of 3.3 million Hungarians is important to us”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Wednesday in reaction to the fact that Sweden’s Minister of Justice threatened that his country would go to court if Hungary does not readmit asylum seekers.

Morgan Johansson said Sweden would go to court if Hungary does not conform to Dublin regulations and refuses to readmit those asylum seekers who were first registered in Europe by the Hungarian authorities.

Five Northern European countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – recently sent a letter to the European Commission asking the institution to take steps to ensure that Hungary conforms to the stipulations of the Dublin Agreement.

With relation to the above, Mr. Szijjártó declared that “The Swedish Minister needs to reply to just one simple question: How could Middle Eastern illegal immigrants, who gave a Middle Eastern country as their country of origin, have first entered the territory of the European Union in Hungary? How did they bypass Greece?”

“Had Greece perhaps received exemption from joint European regulations?”, the Foreign Minister asked. “Some people invited the illegal immigrants, others aren’t conforming to regulations, and then Hungary has to shoulder the resulting burdens?”, he enquired.

“3.3 million Hungarians said no to this question on Sunday”, Mr. Szijjártó highlighted. “I’m sure Morgan Johansson’s opinion is important, but the opinion of 3.3 million Hungarians is much more important to us”, the Minister wrote in his statement.