“The Outstanding Exporter Partnership Programme has been established via cooperation between the Ministry and nine Hungarian-owned enterprises that significantly contribute to exports; in future, the programme will contribute to increasing export performance”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Wednesday at the ceremonious signing of the agreement in Budapest.


The Minister told reporters that the companies participating the Programme will have “accelerated” access to the instruments offered by the state export promotion institution system, in addition to which the enterprises will be closely involved in export promotion programmes, the development of state export promotion instruments, and negotiations on foreign trade policy. The products produced by these companies could become brands that embody the country’s image, he said.

“In 2017, the exports realised by these nine companies exceeded 120 billion forints (EUR 380 million)”, he said. 77. Elektronika Ltd., ANY Nyrt., ARH Zrt., Csaba Metál Zrt., Graboplast Zrt., the Kész Group, Master Good Ltd., a Mediso Medical Imaging Systems Ltd. and Naturtex Ltd. are participating in the Programme.

Mr. Szijjártó called Hungary one of the winners of the new global economic era, explaining that new foreign trade and invest records have been set in every single year since 2014. “This required the work and diligence of the Hungarian people, the courage of Hungarian enterprises and company directors, as well as a government policy that placed the enforcement of foreign trade interests at the focal point of foreign policy”, he stated.

The Minister highlighted that in Hungary, exports exceed 80 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), and in 2017 the GDP of some 124 billion euros was supplemented by over 100 billion euros in exports.

“The country is 34th in the world with relation to its export activities. 79 percent of exports may still be destined for the European Union, but thanks to our Eastern Opening policy and Southern Opening policy, exports to these regions increased by 13 percent and 14 percent, respectively, generating a total of over 100 million euros in additional revenues for Hungarian enterprises”, he said.

Mr. Szijjártó also spoke about the fact that the country broke yet another export record last year, and according to the figures available until last October exports increased by 4 percent.

“Hungarian foreign trade efforts are being facilitated by several forms of funding; last year, for the fifth year in a row, Eximbank loaned out over 300 billion forints (EUR 945 million) in credit to enterprises that wish to increase their export capacities and competitiveness”, Mr. Szijjártó added.