“The Hungarian Government and the people of Hungary cannot be pressured and on 2 October the Hungarians will express what they think about illegal immigration and forced resettlement”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday.

The Minister was reacting to the fact that Swedish Migration Minister Morgan Johansson met with his Danish, Finnish and Norwegian counterparts on Thursday and the subject of their talks was immigration and the extradition of those immigrants who had not received residence permits and who first registered in the EU in Hungary. According to a report by news portal Sydsvenskan, Johansson tried to convince his colleagues to unite their efforts to put pressure on Hungary. “There are at least a thousand Syrians and Afghans in Sweden who arrived along the Western Balkan migration route via Hungary. They were registered as asylum-seekers in Hungary and according to the Dublin Regulations their requests for asylum must be considered in Hungary”, wrote the article quoting the Swedish Minister, who also held talks with the Hungarian Ambassador.

With relation to the above, Mr. Szijjártó explained: The Swedish Migration Minister has realised that his country “made a grave error when it embarked on a policy that attracts immigrants to Europe”. He wishes to place the consequence of Sweden’s mistaken politics onto the shoulders of Hungary and is “organising a front” against it so that he can force thousands of immigrants onto Hungary. This politics is un-European and is reminiscent of the last century”.

According to the Hungarian Foreign Minister It is incomprehensible why the Swedish Minister “cannot understand the clear regulations” according to which these illegal immigrants must be taken back to the country where they first entered the territory of the European Union. “In the case of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa that country is not Hungary, and accordingly the Hungarian Government is not prepared to let these illegal immigrants back into the country”, he pointed out, also noting that the Swedish Minister “is practicing hypocritical politics, because Sweden advocates a liberal immigration policy, but when immigrants do arrive it wants to send them away”.

This is exactly “the stupid and irresponsible politics that pushed the European Union into the chaos it is now experiencing”, Mr. Szijjártó highlighted. “The Hungarian Government and the people of Hungary cannot be pressured and on 2 October the Hungarians will express what they think about illegal immigration and forced resettlement”, he emphasised, adding that it would be better if the Swedish Migration Minister also got used to the idea.