“The pro-immigration forces are continuously attacking Hungary under the leadership of French President Emmanuel Macron, but no matter how great the pressure the Government will take on this battle in the interests of Hungary and Europe”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Friday.

“President Macron wants to bring huge numbers of immigrants into Europe, thus endangering the continent’s security”, Mr. Szijjártó added. According to the Minister, “the pro-immigration forces are calling themselves progressive, but the problem is that the direction of that progress is terribly bad, their tempo is huge, and they are leading Europe into the precipice at an alarming rate”.

“The stakes of next year’s European Parliament elections are huge in view of the fact that the politicians that want to stop migration must achieve a majority within the European Parliament”, he highlighted. “MEP Judith Sargentini, who has prepared a ‘deceitful’ report on Hungary is a partner in principle to Emmanuel Macron, and accordingly the French President is also campaigning for Hungary to be convicted”, he wrote.

“Fundamental European values are not being violated in Hungary; the Hungarian Government believes that the most important value is security, and is doing everything possible to preserve the security of Hungary and Europe to ensure that terrorist attacks such as those that have occurred in Paris, Nice, Brussels, Manchester or Berlin cannot happen”, the Minister said. “It is the duty of European leaders to preserve the security of the European people, not to make them vulnerable to terrorists”, Mr. Szijjártó said.