“The pro-immigration forces are opening the borders to illegal immigrants, and then placing pressure on the other countries to also admit and distribute them”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in his speech at the Fidesz Party Congress over the weekend.

“In contrast, parties that are against immigration are doing everything possible to defend their country and their citizens; they are protecting the borders and introducing strict regulations to make is clear that the borders of a sovereign nation can only be crossed lawfully and according to regulations”, Mr. Szijjártó highlighted. He said that in his opinion the pro-immigration forces in Europe are once again acting in cooperation. “In view of the fact that they were unsuccessful in forcing through the mandatory resettlement quota, thanks to which ‘Hungary is still a country of Hungarians’, the Western Europeans have once again begun plotting to try and push the quota down the throats of every country”, he stated. “But they will not succeed, and Hungary will never agree to this”, he added, noting: “The Hungarians have made it clear on numerous occasions that they do not want to see illegal immigrants in Hungary”.

Mr. Szijjártó also spoke about the fact that today’s Congress is that of the most successful party in Europe, as was also proven at the European Parliament elections. “This provides suitable self-confidence for the battles of the upcoming period”, he declared. “No matter what pressure Europe’s pro-immigration forces apply to us, not a single illegal immigrant can set foot in Hungary. Only Hungary can decide who can come here and who with whom we want to coexist”, he underlined. “The fence will continue to stand, Hungary will protect its sovereignty and security”, the Foreign Minister declared. “We must continue to do what we have done to date: we must win the next elections to make is absolutely clear: Hungary will never be an immigrant country”, he stated.

Minister of Interior Judit Varga spoke about the fact that the Government does not expect others to travel the same path as Hungary, and it is not criticising anybody, but the Hungarian Government rejects double standards and expects the EU to respect the identity of member states. “Hungary has a different view of Europe’s future, the Hungarians have said no to immigration several times, and the country represents a marked position on several issues, which often differs from the mainstream”, she added. “There are lots of problems with Hungary”, they say, whereas Hungary’s differing character should also be respected in the name of European values” she emphasised. “Hungary is fighting because it will insist until its last breath on its own way of life, and is proud of its constitutional achievements”, the Minister stated. “The Hungarians have fought for their freedom, for democracy and for the state institutions that enforce the rule of law; we were not given those as a gift, but made sacrifices to acquire them”, she added.

“We are continuing to preserve the European way of life today and don’t feel the need to prove the country’s Europeanness to anyone”, Ms. Varga highlighted. “The louder we are attacked, the clearer it is that we are on the right path”, she said.

At the Congress, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga spoke about the fact that in recent years it has been proven that economic policy is capable of supporting national policy goals, funding for families and for raising children, job creation, and facilitating the acquisition of a first home. “The economy has entered a stable growth trajectory, and practically all sectors are facilitating growth; we have come from lagging behind to standing on the podium”, he stressed, adding that today, full employment is a reality in many regions around the country, and the number of settlements in which not a single person is unemployed is rapidly approaching one hundred. Mr. Varga also spoke about the fact that this government is the government of tax cuts, in addition to which the sovereign debt is also falling, and over 80 percent of it is now registered in forints.