“The system of restrictive measures put into effect along our borders because of the coronavirus epidemic are vital to the safety of the Hungarian people, Hungarian families and the Hungarian economy”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Thursday in a statement streamed live on his Facebook page.

“In recent months, international news was perhaps most often about the possibility of a second wave of the epidemic, and we may now state that this has become fact; it is evident from both the European and global figures that the number of infected people is increasing exponentially”, the Minister explained.

“In the interests of protecting the results and efforts that the Hungarian people have achieved and made jointly since the spring, it was necessary to make the decision to restrict travel into Hungary”, he emphasised. “Had we not done this, it would significantly increase the danger of the infection being brought into the country, following which strict restrictions would have to be introduced within the country’s borders, which would cause difficulties for Hungarians, Hungarian families and the Hungarian economy”, he pointed out.

“This is what we wanted to avoid, and this is why these regulations have been introduced for a period of one month until the end of September, following which it will transpire whether further measures are necessary, and whether we must move in a direction of easing or tightening regulations”, Mr. Szijjártó stated. He said that in his opinion if the Hungarian economy had to be shut down and schools had to be closed once again, it would have dramatic consequences from both an economic and social perspective, and it would be much better if we were among the winners of the new world order that is in development rather than among the losers. “The functionality of the economy must be maintained, and in fact we must strive to assure that Hungary is one of the winners of the new global economic era and is able to attract as much foreign investment as possible”, he confirmed.

“People are still able to commute, and official foreign travel within a company group remains exempt from restrictions”, he stated. “Hungarian citizens who have already recovered from the disease in recent months may also enter the country without the mandatory need to enter into self-quarantine”, he also noted.

“The players and other members of the delegation accompanying a foreign football team arriving in Hungary as guests of a Hungarian football team must present a negative COVID test performed within three days prior to entering the country; this regulation was formulated on the basis of UEFA protocol”, the Foreign Minister also said. “Two negative tests are required in the case of Hungarian teams arriving home from a match abroad, in view of the fact that they will remain here, while foreign athletes will be leaving the country almost immediately after the match”, he added.

The Minister also spoke about the fact that the government is in continuous consultation with neighbouring countries, foreign ministers and the representatives of electoral districts in the vicinity of the border, and as soon as it becomes apparent what changes are needed or possible, they will be immediately performed.

(MTI/Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)