In connection with the closing event of the European Year for Development 2015 held on 9 December, EU international development ministers held an informal meeting in Luxemburg on Thursday, where Hungary was represented by Minister of State for Security Policy and International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade István Mikola.

Aim of the European Year for Development (EYD) is strengthening social awareness of combatting deep poverty and of sustainable development, including the task of increasing the openness of young generations towards global issues. At the closing event, representing the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council, the Luxembourg Presidency approved of a joint statement on continuing awareness raising activities related to development.

At the Council meeting, the connection between migration and development policy was reviewed and the external aspects of this relationship were discussed. High Representative Federica Mogherini also emphasised that the Member States’ request to treat the root causes of migration is a very timely one.

Participants agreed that support provided for trainings, job creation and employment provided by the EU to the countries of origins of migrants should be better monitored with more practical follow-up measures. 

Also on the agenda was preparation for the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which requires joint action from EU institutions and the Member States as well. The Ministers asked the European Commission to prepare a comprehensive action plan and to renew the EU’s international development policy based on the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030. In his address, Mr. Mikola stressed the importance of not only handling sustainability challenges, but also treating the root causes of migration.

The ministers also reviewed the developments of the Paris climate summit. In closing, recommendations of the European Development Bank on how to link humanitarian and development aid in practice were presented to participants of the conference.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)