“Following a record turnout, an unparalleled level of support was received by the Hungarian Government, which primarily wants to use this mandate to assure the safety of the Hungarian people”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Hungarian M1 television on Monday morning.

“The EU is incapable of finding a solution to the migration crisis, and Brussels is trying to achieve a state of affairs in which member states do not view the security of their citizens as their primary objective”, he added. “It is for this reason that the countries of the Visegrád Group (V4) have decided to continue to be part of the series of negotiations on the UN Compact for Migration, to try and have the text of the package amended from the inside”, he noted.

“Following the results of the 2018 elections, nobody can question the level of public support that the Hungarian Government has within the field of migration policy”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister said.