“The Swedish Prime Minister is a pro-immigration politician who also wants to force illegal immigrants onto Hungary, and wants to punish the Hungarians for saying no to the mandatory resettlement quota”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI in reaction to a statement by Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven condemning Hungary’s migration policy.

In a statement published on the internet version of Swedish left-wing liberal daily Dagens Nyheter, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said: If someone is not ready to take responsibility, that must incur a price. “In such a situation, countries will not be able to receive EU funding in the same way they do today. Hungary is one of the countries that receives the most funding from the EU, and it is saying no, we will not take responsibility with relation to migration”.

Concerning the statement, Mr. Szijjártó said: “Hungary is taking true responsibility with relation to illegal immigration in view of the fact that the Hungarian fences are also defending the western and northern parts of Europe”. “And as far as EU funding goes, it is not a charitable donation, but is due to Hungary in accordance with the EU treaties in exchange for us having opened our markets to Western European enterprises, which are realising significant profits in Hungary”, he added.

“What is at stake at the May elections is that politicians should be elected to the European Parliament who want security in Europe and not resettlement quotas, not no-go zones, not gang wars, not increasing crime and not a threat of terrorism,”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister emphasised. “The Swedish Prime Minister has already made his decision, but we too have the right to decide”, Mr. Szijjártó said.