“The Hungarian Government condemns Saturdays’ terrorist attacks in London”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Sunday morning. “The timing of the attack also indicates that the terrorists also want to eradicate Christian culture”, he added.

“The Hungarian Government condemns the terrorist attacks in London in the strongest possible terms”, the Foreign Minister said in the statement. “The method of the attack and its timing to coincide with Pentecost indicate that the terrorists ‘will not shy away from even the most barbaric acts’, and in fact it is clear that they want to eradicate both our Christian religion and culture from the face of the earth”, he said.

“We share in the grief of the mourners and wish the injured a speedy recovery”, he wrote.

“Hungary’s Embassy in London is in contact with the police, there have been no reports of Hungarian victims and nobody has called the Embassy’s 24-hour helpline (00-44-207-201-3440)”, he continued.

Following countless terrorist attacks, “Europe must finally declare that we do not want to live with terror”, Mr. Szijjártó declared. “There can be only one response to this ‘terrible challenge’: the total stoppage of the illegal immigration that is bringing a major threat of terrorism into Europe, and the declaration of a policy of zero tolerance with regard to the terror. By doing anything else we are bringing about our own distruction”, he stressed.

On Saturday evening, unknown assailants drove a minibus into pedestrians on London Bridge in the centre of London. After running over several people, they move on to nearby Borough Market where they attacked people using knives. The police shot all three attackers within eight minutes of being alerted. Six people were killed in the attack and more than thirty had to be taken to hospital.