“The Transcarpathian Hungarian community can continue to count on the unconditional support of the Hungarian government in future, because without each other neither the Hungarian minority, nor their mother county can be strong, successful and complete”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared on Wednesday in Beregszász (Berehove) at the academic year opening ceremony of the Rákóczi Ferenc II Transcarpathian Hungarian College, where Hungary’s chief diplomat was presented with the Rákóczi Award by the school.

In his speech, Mr. Szijjártó said that in recent years the Hungarians have become the engine of the cooperation within the Carpathian Basin and Central Europe, which will be the source of European development in the upcoming period. He pointed out that in the recent period both Hungarian-Slovakian and Hungarian-Serbian relations have improved significantly. “The future of the Carpathian Basin and Central Europe may be based on these positive processes, during the course of which roads and railway lines are being constructed, border crossing stations are being opened, and energy links and economic development programs are being realised. This is the future in which everyone will profit, and in which our national affiliations do not force our relations apart”, he stated.

“What is required is that neighbouring countries do not view the Hungarian minority living on their territory as a source of conflict, but as a resource, and a link between two countries”, he emphasised. “Ukraine also has a role to play in this successful future within the Carpathian Basin, and this is why we are striving to do everything possible, step by step, in the interests of shepherding Hungarian-Ukrainian relations in a direction that is good from all aspects”, he highlighted, adding that Ukraine has always been able to count on Hungary in every difficult situation so far, including now, amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister called the II. Rákóczi Ferenc College one of the most important bastions with relation to the survival of the Transcarpathian Hungarian community, highlighting the fact that the institution is educating those young people who will be the teachers and leaders of future generations. Accordingly, Mr. Szijjártó assured those present that the Hungarian government will continue to support the functioning of the College with all requested and necessary instruments in future.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade / MTI)