“The realisation of two-way flow via the interconnector that links the Hungarian and Croatian natural gas networks will enable Hungary to purchase natural gas from Croatia by the end of 2019”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Saturday in a telephone statement to Hungarian news agency MTI from Dubrovnik, following a meeting with Croatian Minister for Environment and Energy Tomislav Ćorić.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade added that negotiations have also begun on the price of gas from the liquid natural gas (LNG) terminal on the island of Krk.

“It is in both Hungary’s national security and economic interests for it to be able to acquire the natural gas required for the running of the economy and to meet public demand from as many sources as possible”, said Mr. Szijjártó, who was in the South Dalmatian city attending the Dubrovnik Forum international foreign and security policy conference.

Mr. Szijjártó highlighted the fact that the existing Hungarian-Russian gas purchasing agreement will expire at the end of 2020, creating a totally new situation thanks to which Hungary will be able to include totally new sources in its gas procurement palette.

“Croatia could be a strategic partner from this perspective”, he underlined, noting that Croatia is planning to complete the major LNG terminal at Krk by the second half of 2020.

“We have made it clear to our Croatian partners that Hungary will only purchase liquid natural gas from Croatia at competitive prices”, the Minister stressed, adding that the signing of a long-term gas supply agreement will require the provision of long-term guarantees on the part of Croatia.

With relation to migration, the Minister said he had held bilateral meetings with Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister Radmilla Šekerinska and Foreign Minister of Bosnia-Hercegovina Igor Crdnak.

“I indicated that Hungary is prepared to provide all possible assistance to both Macedonia and Bosnia-Hercegovina in the interests of enabling them to continue to maintain full supervision of their own borders and successfully prevent the passage of a new wave of migration through the Western Balkans”, Mr. Szijjártó said.