“In its current form, the UN’s migration package may be regarded as an African migration package because it represents African interests, but doesn’t represent European interests”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Minister of State for Communication declared on Hungarian M1 television’s Friday morning current affairs program.

With reference to the fact that the wording of the Compact will be completed in New York on Friday, Tamás Menczer said the Government is fighting to ensure that the Hungarian position also appears in the text of the package. And the Hungarian Government does not support the replacement of the population of various countries because they would like “a Hungarian Hungary and a European Europe”, he added.

Mr. Menczer said that in his opinion in its current form the package clearly portrays migration as something that is attractive and should be supported, and also regards it as a suitable solution to demographic and job market problems. In addition, it also includes the fact that states cannot differentiate between migrants and their own citizens, which in the case of Hungary means differentiating between the Hungarian people and the migrants.

“All this is unacceptable to the Hungarian Government, and accordingly Hungary is against the adoption of the current text in the United Nations”, the Minister of State stressed.

Mr. Menczer also spoke about the fact that Ukraine’s new Education Act, which restricts the rights of minorities to receive education in their native languages, violates the country’s undertakings according to international treaties.

“Accordingly, Hungary will not be supporting Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations until the rights that the Hungarian minority has been stripped of are duly returned”, he said, pointing out that: “This is not a bilateral Hungarian-Ukrainian issue, but an international issue”.

Commenting on the NATO summit on Kossuth Radio’s “180 Minutes” show, Mr. Menczer emphasised that security is the most important issue for Hungary. “But security cannot be taken for granted when 29 terrorist attacks have been committed in Europe during the past three years by terrorists with immigrant backgrounds, causing the deaths of hundreds of Europeans”, he explained.

“The Hungarian Government is taking effective action in the interests of security in view of the fact that it has undertaken to increase its defence spending to 2 percent of GDP by 2024, and in fact Hungary will be achieving this ratio earlier within the framework of military reform”, the Minister of State said.