“In addition to Brussels, the United Nations is also promoting migration, and the UN is now also encouraging terrorism, since it has become a defence attorney for terrorists, with which it is practicing extremely dangerous politics”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared in Bratislava on Tuesday at a press conference following a meeting of foreign ministers of the Visegrád Group countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia; the V4), and Turkey.

Hungary’s chief diplomat was speaking with relation to the fact that one of the UN’s special rapporteurs on human rights wants to launch proceedings against Hungary because Hungarian courts have convicted Ahmed H., who in 2015 led an attack against Hungarian police defending the Hungarian border.

“The United Nations should be taking action against terrorists, instead of doing the opposite, in view of the fact that such measures do precisely that: provide encouragement to terrorists”, Mr. Szijjártó pointed out.

“It is shocking that the UN has taken the side of the terrorists and is excusing terrorists; it is shocking that the UN has an office that is tasked with worrying about the human rights of people who have been found guilty of terrorism”, the Minister stressed. Mr. Szijjártó said that in his opinion the UN is encouraging the two most dangerous processes in the world, migration and terrorism, which is also extremely dangerous because the two processes are synergic.

Referring to the Sri Lanka attacks and the video message from the leader of the Islamic State terrorist organisation, who was thought to be dead, Mr. Szijjártó said: “Terrorism once again represents a greater danger, and accordingly the fight against terrorism and migration is more important than ever before, and we cannot count on the UN in this battle, because the UN is worried about the human rights of terrorists”. “This is one reason why Turkey, with whom we have succeeded in cooperating to curb migration pressure, is of key importance in this battle. Migration pressure is expected to continue to increase in view of the fact that at least 35 million migrants in the vicinity of Europe are ready to set out for the continent”, the Minister added.

With relation to Turkey’s accession to the European Union, Mr. Szijjártó said in reply to a question from the press: “People shouldn’t be hypocritical; it is not right that some countries in the EU talk differently about this issue with each other than they do publicly”. “A strategic partnership must be built with Turkey, and such an unfair game must not be played with the country”, he explained.

Slovakian Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák, the meeting’s host, said the main topic of conversation of the negotiations had been the Middle East, including Syria, Iran, terrorism and migration, and the Israel-Palestine situation. Mr. Lajčák called Turkey an important partner that plays a significant role in the region with relation to security, and expressed his gratitude for the fact that Turkey is upholding its treaty with the EU concerning migrants. “Turkey’s EU accession is currently blocked for political reasons, but according to Slovakia the negotiations on the accession process must not be stopped”, he added.

Czech Foreign Minister Tomáš Petříček mentioned Turkey’s importance with relation to energy cooperation, and in reply to a question on Turkey’s EU accession said the conditions of accession must be fulfilled. Polish Deputy Foreign Secretary Marcin Przydacz said that in his view issues relating to the Middle East and the Black Sea cannot be discussed without Turkey. With relation to Turkey’s EU accession, he said that in his opinion following Brexit the European Union must show that it is also possible to join the EU, not just leave it.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu pointed out: “Turkey has wanted to join the EU for over sixty years, and has never said anything other than that it is striving to fulfil the expectations”. “We are aware of the fact that the accession process is being blocked by political barriers. If the EU doesn’t want us, it most come to a decision”, he added.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)