“The United Nations could provide the worst possible response to the migration crisis with the adoption of its Global Compact for Migration, which is currently in preparation”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Kossuth Radio’s “Sunday Paper” show.

The Minister emphasised that during his visit to the UN General Assembly in New York throughout last week, he saw that “EU bureaucrats are biasedly pro-immigration people”. “For some absolutely unexplainable reason they are portraying migration as if it were the best thing that has ever happened in the history of humanity”, he said.

He highlighted the fact that the UN is preparing to implement exactly the same thing as the EU had previously planned, except in this case the policy that will inspire newer and newer waves of migration isn’t called the quota system, but the Global Compact for Migration.

“And this package of measures is a biased and extremely pro-immigration document that is based on false foundations, and which totally ignores the extremely serious security risks associated with migration”, he declared.

“They could at least learn from the mistakes of the European Union!”, Mr Szijjártó said, adding: “The EU’s hypocritical and failed policy to all intents and purposes inspires further waves of migration while bring danger onto the heads of the European people”. He cited as an example the fact that people with migrant backgrounds have committed thirty terrorist attacks in Europe over the past three and a half years, in which three hundred people lost their lives and over a thousand were injured.

The Minister confirmed that the UN Compact is based on mistaken foundations, such as the interpretation of migration as a human right, and the statement that in some form or other every country is affected by migration. Hungary would like neither, however, “and there are a good many countries that have a similar view”, he added.

Mr. Szijjártó said the statement by the European Commission’s Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos, according to which the EU has a unified stance on migration, is an outright lie. He pointed out that there was a major debate in Europe with relation to the mandatory resettlement quota, and “Brussels is not letting go of this issue”, and is “trying to push the EU in a certain direction to ensure that there will be a quota system after all”.

“We in Central Europe will not give up! They may try in vain to blackmail us, they may try in vain with their techniques of blackmailing us with European funding, they can try in vain with their Sargentini reports, they can try in vain with their European Parliamentary vote, the result of which was arrived at through cheating; we will not give up, because in April the people made it absolutely clear what they think about the issue”, he declared.

The Minister confirmed that Hungary will not be regarding the UN Global Compact for Migration as compulsory in any way with regard to itself. “What is important to us is that we make decisions that correspond to the will of the people of Hungary, and govern the country in accordance with the will of the Hungarian people”, he said. “On our part, we will be preserving Hungary as a country of Hungarians, and as a country that does not accept the fact that the definition of its own uniform society is bad, worse, or in any way less valuable than a society that calls itself multicultural”, he added.

Mr. Szijjártó also spoke about the fact that the speech by U.S. President Donald Trump brought new colour to the EU following the comments by Barack Obama, and showed that “these debates are also present in the world’s number one superpower”. According to the Minister, during his meeting with U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Hayley, the parties also spoke about the fact that the UN Human Rights Council makes decisions on a political basis.

“At the meeting of the UN General Assembly, everyone agreed that the organisation needs to be reformed”, the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade underlined. “We need a strong, comprehensive, unbiased and fair organisation in which the channels of communication that facilitate solutions to conflicts remain open”, Mr. Szijjártó declared.