“Instead of enforcing fundamental human rights, the UN is attempting to create non-existent rights, and instead of enforcing everybody’s right to live a calm and peaceful life in their home, it is generating waves of migration that represent an extremely serious security threat and risk to everyone”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI from New York on Tuesday prior to a UN meeting on the African peace process.

“In recent days and weeks we have seen how the migration pressure on Europe has increased, how the Western Balkans are becoming filled with migrants again, and how terrorist organisations are attempting to exploit the new waves of immigration that are setting out for Europe again”, added the Minister, who was in New York to attend the high-level general debate at the session of the UN General Assembly.

“There is a bitter, politics-filled dispute going on within the United Nations with relation to what constitutes a fundamental human right”, he stated, explaining that if we interpret things according to the letter of the law, it is absolutely clear that there exists no fundamental human right with relation to migration.

“There is no such thing as someone getting up in the morning and deciding that they are going to live in another country, and being allowed to violate dozens of borders and the sovereignty of dozens of countries in the interests of getting there”, he emphasised.

“On the contrary, human rights are about the fact that everyone in the world has the right to live in peace and harmony in their own homeland, and instead of enforcing this right, the UN is generating further waves of migration that represent a major security risk”, the Minister declared.

In his statement, Mr. Szijjártó also spoke about the fact that Hungary is one of the frontrunners with relation to enforcing international law, because for instance it is protecting the aforementioned rights of its citizens and protecting its own borders and the external borders of the European Union.

“In addition, with relation to international humanitarian rights and targets, it is supporting communities that are being threatened by security and other challenges. Last year, Hungary spent seven billion forints (EUR 21 million) on funding African programmes aimed at improving the living conditions of Africans who are in a difficult position, via environmental protection, water management and education, to enable them to stay at home. Furthermore, the Hungarian Government’s Middle Eastern and African aid programmes have helped around 50 thousand people to remain in place or to return home”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister highlighted.