“Hungarian enterprises form the vast majority of the enterprises that have undertaken to realise investment projects; 622 out of the 806 companies that are receiving funding are Hungarian, which clearly indicates the significant strengthening of Hungarian-owned enterprises within the national economy”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at Monday’s ceremony to present funding agreements within the framework of the competitiveness-increasing program.

“Hungarian enterprises have proven that the extreme efforts of recent years have not been in vain”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

“Hungary has created the most competitive investment environment in Central Europe. Through funding the current investment projects, the government is assuring the opportunity for Hungarian enterprises to realise development projects that their foreign competitors are currently unable to realise. As a result, Hungarian enterprises can gain an advantage in the competition for positions on international markets”, he stated.

Three more companies were ceremoniously presented with their competitiveness program agreements at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Monday.

The Minister told the press that the three Hungarian enterprises, which are also family-owned businesses, will be realising a total of 1.4 billion forints (EUR 4 million) in investment, with which they are protecting 813 workplaces, and towards which they are receiving 694 million forints (EUR 2 million) in state funding. Including these enterprises, a total of 806 companies have committed themselves to realising job-protecting investment projects at a total value of 377 billion forints (EUR 1.09 billion), towards which the government is providing 169 billion forints (EUR 487.3 million) in state funding.

Ecseri Limited is realising a 593-million-forint (EUR 1.71 million) investment project, towards which the Hungarian state is contributing 282.4 million forints (EUR 814 thousand) in funding.

“The company manufactures for the world’s largest automotive industry and machine production corporations, produces mainly for export, and via its investment project, which involves the procurement of robots, will make its employees even more suited to performing complex tasks, opening opportunities for the company to acquire further markets within the field of high-pressure aluminium castings”, Mr. Szijjártó said with relation to the company.

“In addition to purchasing robots, during the course of the investment project the Cegléd-based company, which employs some 500 people, will be applying new software in the interests of increasing efficiency, which will significantly contribute to future expansion”, the company’s owner and Managing Director Ferenc Ecseri added.

Fruit and vegetable processing company Gloster Limited is realising a 585-million-forint (EUR 1.69 million) investment project, towards which it has been awarded 282 million forints (EUR 813 thousand) in state funding.

The Minister told reporters that the Máriapócs-based company has a current annual capacity of 20 thousand tons, producing canned fruit and vegetable products, and thanks to the state funding will be purchasing packaging equipment that will on the one hand significantly accelerate production, in addition to enabling the company to conform to the increasingly sophisticated food safety and health requirements within the food industry.

“The funding will enable us to increase our capacity to 27-30 thousand tons”, Managing Director of Gloster Ltd. László Kegye added.

The region’s Member of Parliament Miklós Simon (Fidesz) highlighted that, with its annual capacity of 27 million cans, Gloster’s canned goods plant has become the flagship of the County’s canning industry in recent years. The company employs 200 people, and together with suppliers provides a living for 500 families.

Kókai Limited is realising a 257.7-million-forint (EUR 743 thousand) investment project, towards which the government is contributing 128.8 million forints (EUR 371 thousand) in state funding.

“The company will be introducing special rubber injection moulding technology with which it will be able to supply the braking systems of the world’s largest rail and road vehicle production corporations, thereby increasing the export performance of the Hungarian economy and improving the company’s position on international markets”, Mr. Szijjártó pointed out.

Managing Director of Kókai Ltd. Gergely Laczkó-Tóth told the press that the company has been engaged in manufacturing rubber products since 1984, which are in the most part incorporated into braking systems and other property and personal security systems, and accordingly must conform to the highest quality standards.

“The Ajka-based company began life as a small business operating from a garage, but now employs hundreds of people and exports its products to 14 countries, primarily plastic and rubber sealants for cars and railways carriages, and home appliances”,  the region’s Member of Parliament Zoltán Fenyvesi (Fidesz) added.

(MTI/Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)