Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said the wave of violence in recent days in North America was shocking in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI on Monday, adding that according to information from the local authorities, no Hungarians are among the victims of the attacks.

Speaking in the name of the Hungarian Government, the Foreign Minister expressed his condolences to the United States and Canada with relation to the attacks.

“Regardless of motivation and regardless of the perpetrators, the Hungarian Government firmly condemns all forms of terrorism”, Mr. Szijjártó said, stressing that Hungary is continuing to cooperate with both countries in the global fight against terrorism.

An armed assailant killed over 50 people and wounded 200 others at the end of a country music concert in Las Vegas on Sunday. The perpetrator committed suicide before police arrived on the scene.

Also on Sunday in Edmonton, Canada, a man ran over a police officer and then attacked him with a knife before being apprehended by police following a high-speed car chase. According to information from Canadian police, the attack was committed by a Somalian asylum-seeker.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)