“The whole nation is winning thanks to Hungary’s increasing strength, because the fact that Hungary has become a strong country and the Hungarian economy is on a stable growth trajectory is enabling both Hungarians living in Hungary and cross-border Hungarians to gain strength to an outstanding extent”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó stressed n Friday in Szabadka (Subotica, Vojvodina), where the winners of tenders issued within the framework of the Hungarian Government’s Vojvodina Economic Stimulus Programme concluded contracts with the Programme’s organiser, the Prosperitati Foundation.

“As Hungary gains strength, Serbia is also gaining strength, because the enterprises that are receiving funding are operating and paying taxes in Serbia. It is in the interests of the Hungarian Government for Serbia to be a strong European country, and accordingly Budapest will do everything in its power to support Belgrade during the course of its European integration process”, he added.

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The Minister highlighted the fact that within the Carpathian Basin, since 2014 Hungary’s government has been pacing the greatest emphasis on realising economic development goals that serve to assure the continued existence of the cross-border parts o the Hungarian nation. “The first and largest programme of this kind began in Vojvodina, because in agreement with the Serbian Government 30 billion forints (EUR 96 million) in non-returnable funding will be paid out and 30 billion forints in preferential loans will be provided to the Hungarian minority in Vojvodina within the framework of the Programme between 2016 and 2018”, he explained.

Mr. Szijjártó called the economic development programme a national policy success story, which, in his opinion, required the realisation of four conditions. As he explained, cooperation between Hungary and Serbia during the course of history has never been as good as it is now, and this has also been confirmed by the legitimate leader of the local Hungarian community, referring to Chairman of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians István Pásztor.

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In addition, Mr. Szijjártó also highlighted the important roleplayed by the fact that the Serbian Government is not only talking about the importance of minorities, and not only respects minorities in words, but truly does respect minority rights and regards the Hungarian ethnic community living here as a resource. “The Serbian Government regards the Hungarian community in Vojvodina as something that links the two countries, not something that separates them”, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said, pointing out that “there exists a country within the Carpathian Basin (Ukraine) that is now stripping minorities of their rights in an atrocious manner”. “Serbia is moving in the opposite direction, in view of the fact that Belgrade recently adopted both a framework act on education and an act on higher education, both of which reinforced minority rights”, he explained.

Mr. Szijjártó said the third prerequisite for the realisation of the economic development programme was the fact that the Hungarian Government regards it not only as its task, but also as its duty to stand up for cross-s-border Hungarian communities in all respects. “We regard it as our duty to do everything possible to ensure the prosperity of cross-border Hungarians”, he emphasised.

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He also highlighted the fact that the Hungarian economy is now strong enough to mobilise time, energy and financial capacities to help economically strengthen cross-border communities, in addition to providing for its own internal economic development. “This is thanks to the performance of the Hungarian people”, he stressed, adding: “The Success and strength of the Hungarian economy makes it possible for all members of the nation to also profit, whichever side of the border they live on”.

Mr. Szijjártó pointed out that within the framework of the Programme last year small family business had the opportunity to apply for funding within the fields of agriculture, tourism and enterprise development, to ensure their continued survival. Hungary paid out 9.9 billion forints (EUR 31.7 million) in funding to the 6208 winning applicants. This year, the Programme is funding major job-creating investments within the fields of agriculture and industry.

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Thirty six applications were submitted, of which 23 winning applications were selected. The total value of these investments is 26.8 billion forints, to which the Government is contributing 11.1 billion forints. The wimping applications are creating 700 new jobs, in addition to purchasing raw materials from 4000 families and some 300 suppliers. The projects are being realised with financing received via loans from OTP Bank’s Serbian subsidiary, direct funding from the Hungarian budget, and a 25 percent contribution on the part of the enterprises themselves.

In the 2016-2018 period, the programme is placing the greatest emphasis on agriculture, tourism and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the goal being to stop the migration of young people to foreign countries and to reverse this process.