“The threads have come together, and it is clear today that the will of Brussels and the UN is the same, because what is currently happening in the UN and in Brussels is the legalisation of illegal immigration”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared on Munday in Brussels in a statement to Hungarian journalists.

Following a session of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, Mr. Szijjártó declared that illegal immigration has been occurring in an organised and controlled manner in Europe since 2015.

“The fight on whether to stop or organise migration has been going on for three and a half years. The position of the Hungarian Government has been clear and unchanged from the very beginning: Migration bears with is dangers, it can be stopped, and it must be stopped”, the Minister underlined.

“What happened at the negotiations to draw up the UN Global Compact for Migration and on Refugees was nothing less that the betrayal of the European people. The documents that make up the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, as it is officially called, do not represent European interests at all”, he underlined.

“Hungary wants the future European Union to remain a place where Christmas is Christmas, complete with nativity scene and Christmas trees. Europe must insist on its own traditions and heritage, and accordingly today we must stand up against all attempts that are aimed at permanently changing the make-up of the EU’s population”, he declared.

According to the Hungarian position, Europe isn’t experiencing a refugee problem, but a migration problem. And migration processes must be stopped. Hungary regards illegal immigrants as illegal immigrants, not refugees. The Minister declared that for precisely this reason the Hungarian Government will be voting no to both the UN Compact for Migration and the UN Compact on Refugees in New York.

“There are people in need whose homes are being ravaged by war and who have been forced to leave their homes by terrorist organisations. These people must be helped, on site, or in the closest safe location to their homelands”, he stated.

As he explained, Hungary is continuing its Hungary Helps programme with increased funding, and is helping those in need stay in the closest safe point to their homes. “Because according to even the most conservative estimates, 30-35 million people could decide to set out for Europe”, he added.

The Minister told the press that at the meeting he drew the European Union’s attention to the fact that EU officials cannot state anything in the name of the EU in either Marrakesh or New York in view of the fact that one quarter of the member states, seven countries, have decided not to support the Global Compact for Migration.

“It is clear, therefore, that the more EU member states recognised the importance of the Compact, the more decided not to support it. This means that at least seven EU ember states will be voting no or abstaining at next week’s vote on the Compact in New York”, he explained.

With relation to the Western Balkans, Mr. Szijjártó told the press that Hungary continues to be a supporter of enlargement, in view of the fact that enlargement is in the European Union’s security and economic interests. As he explained, Hungary has concluded a cooperation agreement with Serbia on the fact that a Hungarian EU expert will continue to assist the successful and rapid conclusion of accession negotiations “so that the European integration of the Western Balkans can be accelerated in accordance with Hungary’s security and economic interests”, he underlined.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)