“The work of Imre Makovecz (1935-2011) represents an outstanding slice of Hungarian cultural heritage”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared on Wednesday in the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County town of Csenger. In the small town with some five thousand inhabitants, the Minister officially inaugurated the new building constructed in the style of the Kossuth Award winning architect with the help of 249 million forints (EUR 700 thousand) in state funding, which will function as a bus station.

In his speech, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised: “In this rapidly changing world, we find ourselves facing unexpected, previously incomprehensible challenges practically every day”. “Our lives, values, way of life and ‘everything in which we believe and believed’ and are encountering unique challenges”, he stated. “These tempestuous and fundamental changes are to an extraordinary extent increasing the value of everything that affords stability and security, which in turn connects us and also increases appreciation for our heritage”, he continued. According to the Minister, the Hungarian peoples have been able to survive for over a thousand years and successfully handle the current historic challenges because, while we are open and accepting of the newest and most modern, we also insist on our heritage”. “And we also insist on our religious, cultural and historical traditions”, he highlighted.

Praising the life’s work of Imre Makovecz, Mr. Szijjártó spoke about the fact that his architectural masterpieces include within them the whole of Hungarian history.  With relation to the Makovecz heritage, he also emphasised that the Hungarians can be rightly proud of their heritage. Referring to the host of small towns that are home to the world famous Hungarian architect’s buildings, constructed in the spirit of organic architecture, the Minister recalled that the inhabitants of Csenger decided thirty years ago to renew their town and dreamt of replacing the old, crumbling buildings with new ones with the help of Imre Makovecz. “It has since become the calling of Csenger to nurture the heritage of Imre Makovecz”, Mr. Szijjártó stated. He also pointed out that when he inaugurated the town’s new teaching swimming pool in 2017, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised that a modern and beautiful building that also commemorates our heritage will be constructed to replace the run-down bus station. “The people of Csenger are providing an example to all of Hungary concerning the fact that it is worth struggling for the future and worth making an effort to achieve a more beautiful, better and more liveable city”, the Minister said in closing, while also assuring the town’s citizens of the government’s continued support.

(MTI/Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)