“There is a special responsibility on the shoulders of the parties negotiating the UN’s migration package and the EU reform of the Dublin Regulation, because if the idea that migration is good and should be encouraged wins out, then the 15 million internal refugees and people in need of humanitarian aid living in the immediate vicinity of the European Union could easily decide to set out for Europe”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in a telephone statement to Hungarian news agency MTI from Sofia.

Mr. Szijjártó, who is attending an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers, said this could mean an unmanageable security threat for the European Union, and accordingly Hungary will be submitting proposals with regard to both the UN’s migration package and the reform of the Dublin Regulation.

These make it clear that migration is not good, but bad, and bears with it a risk, and accordingly must be stopped. In addition, according to the Hungarian proposal it must be stated that any kind of mandatory, automatic admittance quota is unacceptable.

“We will be objecting to and vetoing any and all proposals that would prescribe or establish admittance quotas or mechanisms either directly or indirectly”, the Minister emphasised.

The Government is also stressing the fact that border protection must be strictly maintained, and illegally crossing a border must be regarded as a serious crime and sanctioned accordingly.

“Security comes first, and this cannot be disregarded or put in brackets. It is the responsibility of the European Union to guarantee the security of European citizens and the countries of Europe”, Mr. Szijjártó underlined.

“In addition, a strict expulsion policy must be applied; people who entered Europe illegally and who are here unlawfully must be urgently sent back to where they came from”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister highlighted.

“The adoption of Hungary’s recommendations would guarantee Europe’s security, while in its current form the Dublin reform and the UN’s global migration proposal would endanger Europe”, Mr. Szijjártó stressed.