“There are many more common points in the relationship between Hungary and the German state of Baden-Württemberg than issues with relation to which there may not be agreement”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI from Stuttgart on Friday in the recess of talks in the state capital.

In the telephone statement, the Minister told the press that at his meeting with Wolfgang Reinhard, parliamentary group leader of the Christian Democratic Union (DCU), which governs the state in coalition with the greens, the parties determined that the Hungarians and the Germans have a special relationship, and that relations between Hungary and Baden-Württemberg are “even more special” in view of deep-rooted historic traditions and heritage.

“Within the system of German-Hungarian relations, there are many things that link us within the areas of the economy, culture and individual human relations, and many more common points than issues with relation to which we are not in agreement”, he said.

“It is natural that there are issues with relation to which we have a different viewpoint, since we view the world from different perspectives”, he highlighted. “Migration is undoubtedly one such issue, with relation to which we have made it clear that Hungary does not wish to become an immigrant country in any form whatsoever, will protect its borders at all costs, and will do everything possible to ensure that an anti-migration majority also comes about in the European Parliament (EP) following the EP elections, in accordance with Hungary’s interests”, Mr. Szijjártó underlined.