“There are no Hungarian citizens in the Afghan capital who have registered for consular protection; any Hungarians who have been possibly affected by Saturday’s armed attack will receive all possible assistance from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade”, Péter Szijjártó told Hungarian news agency MTI on Sunday.

According to the information provided by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry is continuously monitoring events in Kabul together with the Counter Terrorism Centre and the Military National Security Service. “The Ministry’s Consular Department, the Hungarian Embassy in Kabul and the Hungarian Consulate in Islamabad made immediate contact with our Afghan and European partners, including the Afghan Consul in Islamabad and the Hungarian military contingent in Kabul”, Mr. Szijjártó told the press.

“A Hungarian citizen was in Kabul in early January, but confirmed that he has since come home to Hungary”, he added.

According to the Foreign Minister, the Ministry is currently receiving conflicting reports with relation to possible Hungarian involvement, but in view of the situation in Afghanistan the information cannot be regarded as credible.

“We are continuously monitoring developments, and if it transpires that any Hungarian citizens were present in the hotel and require help, our colleagues will of course provide them with all possible assistance”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

According to information issued by the Afghan Interior Ministry on Sunday, the armed attack against the Hotel Intercontinental in Kabul has ended. Security forces shot and killed every one of the attackers. Six civilians lost their lives in the attack, including a female foreigner whose nationality has as yet not been made public.

According to Interior Ministry spokesperson Nasrat Rahimi, seven people were injured in the attack, which was launched on Saturday, and for which the Taliban has assumed responsibility.