“There is also a major level of interdependence between the region’s countries with relation to the coronavirus epidemic, concerning protecting public health, assuring continuous supply, and maintaining the operational capacity of economies”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at a press conference in Budapest on Tuesday following talks with his Czech, Slovak and Austrian counterparts.

“Every country must introduce its own national measures, but these also have a major effect on neighbouring countries and other states in the region”, Mr. Szijjártó highlighted. The Minister said that at the meeting he and his negotiating partners had agreed that we must prepare for a period of major restrictions lasting not just a few days or weeks, but several months. “When introducing its measures, the Hungarian government is taking into account two aspects, with relation to which there is full agreement within the region: that we must assure public health and the country’s continuous supply”, he explained.

“The decision according to which only Hungarian citizens can set foot on Hungary’s territory with relation to personal travel is also based on this, but no travel restrictions are being introduced with relation to freight transport. Shipments of goods that are important with relation to supplying the Hungarian people and the Hungarian economy are not being restricted, and transit freight transport is also being allowed”, he stated. “Last year, Hungary realised 42 billion euros in trade with neighbouring countries, and accordingly it is important that there are no restrictions on freight traffic with neighbouring countries”, he explained.

On the subject of Hungarian-Slovakian relations, the Foreign Minister said the two communities maintain extremely close relations, and for this reason negotiations are ongoing on the possible introduction of measures to specifically regulate the border crossing of Hungarian and Slovakian citizens, but until such measures are introduced the general regulations will be applied.

Concerning the Hungarian-Austrian border, Mr. Szijjártó said many Hungarians cross the border daily to Austria to work, which is an important factor both from the perspective of the income of Hungarians and the functioning of the Austrian economy, and the opportunity to commute remains open.

“All Central European countries have citizens in various parts of the world, and as travel restrictions come into force it will become increasingly complicated to move between various points around the world”, the Minister said. He asked that if any Hungarians abroad would like to come home but experience difficulties, they should contact the relative Hungarian Embassy, where they will receive assistance in planning their trip home. Mr. Szijjártó said that in his view this is not a uniquely Hungarian challenge, and accordingly Hungary has joined the Czech initiative concerning the establishment of a European coordination mechanism to help EU citizens return home.

Mr. Szijjártó also reported on the fact that there are currently 46 Hungarian citizens in quarantine in five different countries abroad. Quarantines have been introduced in large areas in Austria, which is currently affecting 39 Hungarians. There are still two Hungarians in China’s Hubei province, two Hungarians in the United States on board a moored ship, one in Singapore and two, a couple, in Vietnam, he listed. We are in contact with all of the Hungarians affected and are assisting them in accordance with regulations, he noted.