“According to the information received from the investigation following last Friday’s bus accident near Verona, the authorities have so far not found any evidence that indicates mechanical failure”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced.

The Minister, who is currently on an official visit to Norway, added: “The Italian authorities have, however, confirmed the previous reports that no brake marks were found at the scene”. “After interviewing the witnesses, the police have come to the conclusion that there are no contradictions in the statements provided and nobody reported anything unusual happening in the moments before the crash”, he explained.

“Only the relatives of one of the victims remain in Verona and their travel home is being organised with the assistance of the Consulate General”, Mr. Szijjártó told the press.

There is no change in the condition of the two critically injured passengers according to information from the hospital, their condition has not worsened, but the victim who suffered serious burns has had to receive skin grafts, the Foreign Minister said. If the condition of the other passenger, who suffered a head injury, continues to improve, they may be in a stable enough condition to be transported home within 7-10 days, he continued, adding that transportation would be coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Mr. Szijjártó also noted that the DNA samples required for the identification of the bodies have already been taken from relatives, but that the taking of samples from the bodies themselves is proving to be more difficult than the Italian authorities envisaged, and as a result the DNA tests may take a few days longer to complete. The Italian authorities are also taking into account clothing and jewellery during the identification process, he added.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister also mentioned that Hungary’s association of funeral directors has offered to transport the bodies home free of charge, and the required vehicles and professionals are at their disposal. This process is now being coordinated with the Ministry and consular assistance is being provided for their transportation home, he said, stressing that the precise date of their repatriation depends on the identification process and the Italian authorities.