“This weekend did also not pass without the spreading of fake news by the international liberal mainstream”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó declared on his social media page on Sunday evening.

The Ambassadors to Budapest of the five countries involved will be summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday. “The foreign ministers of five Northern European countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – assured the General Secretary of the European Council, who is concerned about the Hungarian coronavirus Act, of their support in a letter, and some have made separate statement in which they are spreading fake news and not telling the truth about Hungary”, Mr. Szijjártó said. “The incessant lies about the building of a dictatorship and the unending and unlimited mandate remerged”, he noted. “Nothing new, we might think, and move on with a shrug of our shoulders: The Hungarian nation is over a thousand years old and wants nothing to do with this pathetically hypocritical nannying”, he stated. “The Danish, Icelandic, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish foreign minister should not think they know better than the Hungarians what is good for the Hungarians”, he added. “They can safely entrust this to us; the people of Hungary are capable of deciding what they do or do not want. The foreign ministers should instead feel free to involve themselves with their own affairs”, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade also said the Ambassadors to Budapest of all five countries involved will be summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)