Those who attack the border commit an act of terrorism, press chief of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Tamás Menczer pointed out at a press conference held in Budapest on Friday.

Regarding the disturbance in Röszke, he said: „we must talk about armament, threats and terrorism”, an organised attack occurred. He added: people were directed with hand gestures and shouted instructions.

Mr Menczer stated: in addition to the police, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade also posted on its website the photos of the people who are wanted in connection with the dismantling of the border fence and the attacks on the police. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior as well as the security services are awaiting assistance from their foreign counterparts in the event that they have information on the individuals in the photos.

The press chief reiterated: European politicians, officials and the international media reported several times that the police „acted brutally vis-à-vis the defenceless migrants” on Wednesday. He added: Hungary has always refuted this claim, but the recordings speak for themselves. They clearly show that armed aggressive migrants attacked the Hungarian police, the Hungarian border with stones and pieces of concrete.

The police protected the Hungarian border, and consequently the external Schengen border, with a proportionate and professional response, in accordance with the relevant rules and EU regulations, the press chief said.

Mr Menczer told the press that there is a man in the photos with a megaphone who is clearly the organiser of the incident, and who appears to be controlling a group of migrants, and there is another man in the photos who also appears to be giving the migrants instructions.

It is obvious that „this was an organised act, an organised attack”, he stressed.

„Since when has a megaphone been a standard part of the backpacks of innocent migrants?”. Did that man bring it all the way from Syria, or was he given the megaphone by someone? If so, with what instruction, he asked, adding: the man spoke into the megaphone in English and Arabic.

The press chief stressed: a person who organises an attack on the border with a megaphone commits an act of terrorism.

In answer to a journalist’s question regarding the fact that migrants are being transported in Croatia to the Croatian-Hungarian border by buses, he said: the Croatian police are transporting migrants in an organised manner, and they tell migrants that the Croatian and Hungarian interior ministers agreed on this. Mr Menczer called this a lie, and pointed out that the Ministry sought an explanation from the Croatian deputy foreign minister, and requested the Croatian authorities to instruct the police „to stop spreading this lie”.

(Prime Minister's Office/MTI)