According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Transparency International (TI) is attacking Hungary because of the border security fence. At a press conference on Thursday on another topic, Péter Szijjártó said: TI has downgraded two countries, Hungary and Bulgaria, the only two countries in the European Union that have built security fences along their borders to stop illegal immigration.

“This is another expression of the unprecedented attacks against Hungary by international organisations, which are exclusively about the fact that they do not agree with the country’s migration policy”, he said. “We don’t care about blackmail or the application of pressure”, we will continue to not allow a single illegal immigrant into Hungary and “the fence will remain where it is”, the Foreign Minister declared.

International non-governmental organisation Transparency International published its list on transparency within the EU on Wednesday, based on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). TI estimated the level of corruption in Hungary at 45 points out of a possible 100, putting Hungary in second place behind Bulgaria among the European Union’s member states.