“First Vice-President of the European Commission (EC) Frans Timmermans must take responsibility for the fact that over one and a half million illegal immigrants have come to Europe”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said on Kossuth Radio’s “Good Morning, Hungary!” show on Friday.

“The socialist politician is personally responsible for the fact that the EC has performed so outrageously badly during the past five years, and for the fact that Europe has gradually lost its competitiveness and the security situation has continuously worsened”, Mr. Szijjártó added.

“The so-called ‘top’ candidates put forward by the European party families are all unfit to direct a European institution”, he stated.

Speaking on Hungarian M1 current affairs television, the Minister said with relation to the upcoming meeting between Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and U.S. President Donald Trump: “It will be a good opportunity for them to harmonise the two countries’ standpoints on migration in major global organisations.”

He pointed out that the United States and Hungary are among the six countries that voted no to the UN Global Compact for Migration. With relation to Thursday’s visit to Hungary by Brazilian Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo, he said: “Hungarian-Brazilian cooperation is entering a new dimension”. “Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has accepted the Hungarian Prime Minister’s invitation and the Government has adopted a strategy on developing Hungarian-Brazilian relations, which is also important in view of the fact that Brazil is the world’s eight largest economy”, he added.