“Last year was a record year for tourism, and all tourism-related records will be broken once again this year”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at the official opening of the Párisi Udvar Hotel Budapest on Friday in the Hungarian capital.

“While nine years ago, Hungary stood at the edge of the precipice, today its economy provides a performance that is outstanding even in European comparison, and in which tourism is playing a highlighted role”, he added. “Budapest is one of the frontrunners among Europe’s tourism destinations. The Hungarian capital has undergone significant development and interest in it is continuously increasing: the number of cities from which Budapest can be reached with direct air passenger services has increased from 86 to 147 over a period of five years, for instance”, he stated. “Budapest is one of the world’s safest capital cities, Hungary is one of the world’s safest countries, and security has become an increasingly important criteria”, he highlighted. The Minister said it is extremely important for the capital to boast an increasing level of high-quality accommodation. “The range of available accommodation has now increased by one additional hotel, which is contributing to increasing the level of quality of Budapest’s hotels and also to dynamic development. Eximbank provided an 8.2 billion-forint (EUR 24.4 million) loan towards the 13 billion-forint (EUR 38.7 million) investment project, which involved the renovation and refurbishment of an over 100-year-old listed building”, Mr. Szijjártó told reporters.

“The operator of the hotel, which operates 12 hotels in Budapest and employs over 600 people, also deserves recognition”, he added. CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency Zoltán Güller told the press that fifty percent more tourists visited Hungary last year than the country’s total population, and this momentum is continuing this year. “Hungary is experiencing a golden age of tourism”, he said. With relation to the newly opened hotel, Mr. Güller said: “It has once again become one of Budapest’s iconic buildings; it is a tourist attraction in itself, and has regained it former grandeur”. Manager of Párisi Udvar Hotel Budapest Andrea Schwindt-Kiss spoke about the fact that the building has always occupied an outstanding place in the life of Budapest. “Its renovation began in 2014, and it has now regained its former glory; the five-star hotel is operated by Mellow Mood Hotels”, she said.