“U.S. company Ubiquity Global Services will be opening a service centre in Budapest in February, creating 200 new jobs”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced at a press conference in the capital.

Stressing the importance of digital development within the global economy, the Minister highlighted: “Ubiquity Global Services, which was established four years ago, provides business services based on latest generation technologies”.

“There was considerable competition in the region for the investment, but the company eventually chose Hungary as the location of its first major European customer service centre”, Mr. Szijjártó said. “This provides yet another opportunity for young Hungarians to find a workplace that pays well and represents high added value”, he added.

DownloadPhoto: Zoltán Máthé/MTIAmongst others, Ubiquity Global Services provides multilingual services within the fields of finance and IT, and employees over 2000 people in the United States and Asia.

Mr. Szijjártó also indicated that the Government had also reached an agreement with the company with relation to the fact that the establishment of the customer service centre was just the first step and further investments can also be expected in Budapest and possibly other large Hungarian cities. “The service centre sector is responsible for the second highest level of foreign investment in Hungary after the automobile industry. There are already 90 service centres operating in Hungary, providing employment for over 40 thousand people”, the Minister told reporters.

“Hungarian-American economic cooperation continues to be a success story”, the Foreign Minister said, pointing out that 1650 American enterprises provide jobs for over 100 thousand people in Hungary.

“This is the 13th American investment to be made in Hungary via the investment promotion system this year and the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) is in negotiation with a further 13 U.S. enterprises”, the Minister said.

DownloadPhoto: Zoltán Máthé/MTI

Founder and President of Ubiquity Global Services Matt Nyren highlighted the fact that the company offers a wide range of knowledge-based services. “Budapest was primarily chosen because of the availability of professionals, language skills and the extremely strong university courses within the field of engineering sciences. The selection of the new centre’s directors has already begun and will be followed by the recruitment of staff”, he told the press. Mr. Nyren also mentioned that the HIPA had provided invaluable assistance towards the preparation of the company’s decision and continues to assist in organising their activities.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)