The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has become unfit and unworthy of the fulfilment of his responsibilities and of his position and must therefore resign with immediate effect, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said on the Tuesday programme of the public service television news channel M1.

Péter Szijjártó said it is scandalous that on Monday in his speech opening the 37th session of the UN Human Rights Council Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein referred to the Hungarian Prime Minister as racist and xenophobic. The High Commissioner levelled unfair accusations at a Member State and then left, not even bothering to listen to reflections on his speech, the positions of the governments which comprise the council, he recalled.

The Foreign Minister stressed Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein attacks a country which did the most against anti-Semitism in Europe, has the largest Jewish population in Europe and boasts the best security in Europe at present.

He took the view the Monday meeting confirmed once again that they seek to recognise the right to migration as a fundamental human right when evidently it is not. At the April parliamentary elections the question is whether Hungary will have a government which agrees to take this debate on and to engage in battle, or a government which will surrender, he explained.

On the programme 180 minutes of Kossuth Radio Mr Szijjártó also highlighted that in the UN the debate on the world organisation’s global migration pack started last week where the EU’s representative claimed that the EU has a common approach to the issue of migration. This, however, is not the case. It would only be possible to speak of a common EU approach to any international issue if there was a consensus among all 28 Member States, he pointed out.

The Foreign Minister believes all the pressure that is being exerted points in a single direction: namely to induce Hungary to change its migration policy.