Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó called upon the UN Human Rights Committee not to interfere in the Hungarian election campaign.

In his communication forwarded to the Hungarian news agency MTI on Thursday, the Minister wrote that the Committee “has clearly taken sides with George Soros and migrants against the Hungarian people”. It is unacceptable that the rights of migrants are more important for the Committee than the right of the Hungarian people to security, he stressed.

Mr Szijjártó highlighted that the Orbán government will not yield to any pressure, “we will not let migrants in, and we will preserve Hungary as a Hungarian country”.

He took the view that what is at stake in the Sunday elections is whether Hungary will continue to have a government which will fight for the Hungarian people’s security and safety against pro-immigration forces, or a government will be formed which will give up this fight. The opposition is controlled by George Soros, as is the UN Human Rights Committee, he stated.

According to the Foreign Minister, the Hungarian people have the right to live in security, and therefore “the future of our country, our children and our grandchildren is at stake”.

On Thursday the UN Human Rights Committee called upon Hungary to take action against hate speech targeting minorities, including Roma and Muslims. The Committee also called upon Hungary to withdraw the legislation which allows the police to expel illegal border-crossers from the country without the submission of an asylum request. Additionally, the committee is urging the government to reject the so-called Stop Soros bill which would authorise the Interior Minister to ban non-governmental organisations helping migrants with reference to national security risks.