The countries of the Visegrád Group have contributed a total of three million euros to the fund established by the European Union to deal with the causes of African migration, and are jointly participating in the fund’s work. In Prague on 6 April 2016, foreign ministry representatives from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic signed a related memorandum of cooperation.

In Prague on 6 April the Czech Presidency of the V4 organised a meeting between deputy state secretaries responsible for international development and providing humanitarian aid, at which Hungary was represented by Deputy State Secretary Ádám Zoltán Kovács.

At the meeting, the representatives of the Visegrád Group countries signed a cooperation agreement on donor coordination related to V4 contributions to the European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) established to deal with the causes of migration from Africa. According to the agreement, the V4 countries will discuss their standpoints and vote collectively in EUTF governing bodies.

During the meeting, the parties also discussed the development of a joint humanitarian operation and presented their individual priorities in relation to the upcoming World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul on 23 May.

(MTI / Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)