ECM-Clean Limited is building a vehicle industry supply centre in Sajókeresztúr on the territory formerly occupied by the Borsod Ore Treatment Plant (BÉM) with an investment of 10 billion forints (EUR 32 million).

ECM-Clean Ltd. was established in 2016 with the aim of continuing the successful metallurgical by-product recultivation activities of its parent company ECM Limited.

The company is planning to manufacture air and road vehicles for the aeronautical and defence industries in the new 18 thousand square metre plant that it is constructing on the heavy industry area formerly occupied by BÉM, with production expected to commence in 2019; the investment will create 352 new workplaces. Once the plant is running at full capacity, the company is expected to realise an annual turnover of some 8 billion forints (EUR 25.5 million), and the plant will be one of the region’s largest employers.

At the foundation stone laying ceremony, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Parliamentary State Secretary Levente Magyar spoke about the fact that the vehicle industry continues to be one of the country’s key sectors. “While the sector’s production value was 4 thousand billion (EUR 12.8bn) forints in 2010, it now exceeds 8 trillion forints (EUR 25.5bn), thanks also to the investors who have set up shop in this region”, he explained.

“Hungary’s economic performance has been posting respectable figures since 2013-14, the country is on a permanent growth trajectory, while in 2010 the economy was in a terrible economic state and not just the country, but specifically the Borsod region was in an extremely difficult situation”, he highlighted. “While the County’s industrial production value was 1.6 trillion forints (EUR 5.1bn) in 2010, it has increased to over 2.6 trillion forints (EUR 8.3bn) today, many investment projects have been realised and many new jobs have been created”, he said.

“This success has primarily been achieved thanks to the people who live here”, he added.

“The Government has also played a part in this performance in view of the fact that we have succeeded in creating an investment environment that has enabled the County to also occupy an excellent position in the strong regional competition for foreign investment”, Mr. Magyar said.

“Today, Hungary is realising an unrivalled level of economic performance, and during the last quarter was in second place among the 28 member states of the European Union with regard to economic growth”, he said, adding: “We are doing extremely well, but the work must continue”.

“If the country retains its economic and political stability and its outstanding investment environment after 8 April, further investors will also be arriving in this region of the country”, the State Secretary stressed, highlighting: “More than 7 thousand new jobs could be created in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County thanks to Hungarian and foreign companies that are planning to invest over one billion euros in the region”.

Praising the importance of the new investment in Sajókeresztúr, the region’s Member of Parliament Katalin Csöbör (Fidesz) said that in recent years there has been a new investment in the region almost every week. “The investments are the result of the dependable political and economic environment and the joint result of the performance of Hungarian workers; the County and the City of Miskolc has become one of the country’s most dynamically developing regions”, she declared.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)