“Italian medical staff have woken one of the critically injured victims of the Verona bus accident, who suffered serious burns, from their state of medically-induced coma. They are now in a stable condition, which has been gradually improving since receiving a skin graft, and are capable of communicating”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at a press conference.

“Doctors from the hospital in Verona and Budapest’s Honvéd Hospital held a consultation on Monday and decided that the burns victim may now be moved from intensive care to the heavy trauma ward, but we do not as yet know when precisely they will be in a suitable condition to be moved”, he added.

Mr. Szijjártó also told reporters that there is currently no change in the condition of the other critically injured passenger, who suffered serious head injuries.

The remains of the victims of the Verona bus accident were brought home to Hungary on Saturday, the Minister reminded the press.

At around midnight on 20 January, a bus full of Hungarian students suffered an accident near Verona, Italy, leaving thirteen dead and twenty-six injured. Most of the passengers were from Budapest’s Szinyei Merse Pál Secondary School, including students, former alumni, teachers and their families.