“Led by the Prime Minister of Hungary, which is the current President of the Visegrád Group, the V4 achieved a major success with relation to the fact that the resolution adopted at the EU summit deals with the responses to migration within a totally different framework of interpretation than during the past three years”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said.

The Minister highlighted the fact that during the past three years the debate has in a hypocritical and dogmatic manner been about to what extent EU member states should give up their sovereignty.

“But we must also recognise that the causes of migration have not ceased at all”, Mr. Szijjártó said, adding: “Migration processes are ongoing, increasing numbers of people are arriving via the Western Balkan migration route, and non-governmental organisations continue to organise the immigrants in cooperation with people smugglers. There are still 30-35 million people in North Africa and the Middle East, who because of their life circumstances could decide to set out for Europe at any moment”.

The Minister stressed that migration remains a danger, but that it is a major success for the countries of the Visegrád Group that European viewpoints concerning the handling of migration are clearly shifting towards the positions of the countries of Central Europe.

Mr. Szijjártó pointed out that in recent years huge international forces have been mobilised with an immense international financial background in the interests of changing the make-up of Europe’s population. “This is what the activities and efforts of the Soros organisations are about, and the activities of some Members of the European Parliament, and unfortunately the decisions of the European Commission often also point in this direction”, he noted.

He said that in his opinion international organisations will be continuing their efforts in the upcoming period and will be doing everything possible to achieve their original goal of moving Europe into a post-Christian, post-national era.

“Our most important task is to protect Hungary, Central Europe and if possible all of Europe from all this”, the Minister highlighted.

“In addition to assuring that Hungary does not become a country of immigrants and remains a country of Hungarians, we are also trying to assure that Europe remains European and adheres to its roots, its traditions and its heritage, which once made it the world’s strongest continent”, he explained.

Mr. Szijjártó told the press that the situation of the Visegrád Group is increasingly stable and cooperation between the four countries is closer and stronger than ever. “Attacks on the part of international forces will probably become even more fanatical now that the EU summit has adopted a resolution that has a different aim than the one NGOs that have set the replacement of the European population as their goal would have liked to see. It is important that in the upcoming period we not only cooperate effectively within the Visegrád Group, but also with all of the other countries that share a similar position”, he said, pointing out that the Austrian Chancellor visited Budapest a week before the EU summit, in addition to which Hungary is in continuous consultation with the Italian Government and “Bavarian sister parties”.

Mr. Szijjártó said the upcoming meeting between Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and German Chancellor Angela Merkel was extremely important, pointing out that Germany is Hungary’s number one economic partner, 28 percent of the working capital in Hungary arrived from Germany, the roughly 6 thousand German enterprises operating in Hungary provide jobs for a total of 300 thousand Hungarians, and 27 percent of total Hungarian exports are destined for Germany.

“Our relations with Germany fundamentally determine the performance of the Hungarian economy, and the European political situation with relation to migration in itself increases the importance of all such meetings”, Mr. Szijjártó said.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)