On 25-26 January 2016 Deputy State Secretary Kristóf Altusz visited Paris.

Mr. Altusz held talks with his French counterpart, European Director of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pierre Lévy on bilateral political and economic relations and current European issues, such as migration, fight against terrorism, energy security and Britain’s proposed EU-reforms. They also exchanged views on developments in current international conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, and discussed the results achieved at the climate conference in Paris.

Mr. Altusz informed his partner about the V4 cooperation and Hungary’s polies regarding the Western-Balkans region. During his visit he also held talks with diplomatic counsellor of the French Prime Minister Stéphane Romatet, and met with the leaders of the European Affairs Committees of the French National Assembly and the Senate, as well as with members of the Hungarian-French Friendship Groups of the two Houses.

DownloadPhoto: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The main focus of the negotiations was clearly on migration, which made the convergence of the Hungarian and French standpoints on a numerous points of the issue clear. These points include strengthening the protection of the Schengen borders, enhancing the fight against terrorism, and the need for a continuous dialogue between the EU and Turkey.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)