“The standpoint of the Hungarian Government is that migration is dangerous and must be stopped”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Minster of State for Communications and Hungary’s International Image said on Hungarian M1 television’s Thursday morning current affairs program with relation to the UN Global Compact for Migration.

Tamás Menczer said there exists another standpoint in Brussels and the UN, which concerns the fact that migration must be organised, and this is also indicated by the official title of the UN Global Compact for Migration adopted by the UN on Wednesday, which wants to facilitate “safe, orderly and regular” migration.

“We, however, cannot support and do not want to support the replacement of the populations of various countries and continents”, he stated.

“The Compact’s goal is to legalise illegal migration, and to a certain extent it is as if they are ‘taking the side of the thief’ against those whose homes have been broken into”, he added.

“The Compact makes migration a fundamental human right, but according to the Government it is not a fundamental human right. If someone is in trouble, they must receive help, but either at home or in the first safe point or country, so that they may return home once the conflict is resolved”, he said.

“It is not a fundamental human right for people to travel half way across the world through a host of safe countries and decide where they want to live. In contrast, according to our position it is a fundamental human right, the fundamental human right of the European people, to be able to live in safety in their own homelands. How good it would be to finally enjoy an Advent without having to live through innocent European people being murdered at Christmas fairs”, the Minister of State stressed.

With relation to the events of recent days, on Kossuth Radio’s “Good Morning, Hungary!” show Mr. Menczer highlighted: The Hungarian people made an extremely wise decision when they did not entrust the country’s leadership to the opposition, because they make a fuss in parliament, shouting with sirens and whistles, and behave like “a group of hyperactive, sulking kindergarten children who are struggling with various mental disorders”. “Worse than the fact that they are sulking because of their election defeat, however, is the fact that they are behaving aggressively on the streets and are attacking the police”, he added.

“How can we believe that people who attack their own police would defend the country?”, the Minister of State asked.

According to Mr. Menczer, behind the opposition is the “greatest storyteller, compared to whom Andersen is not even worthy of mention”, Ferenc Gyurcsány, who does not allow himself to be confused by the facts and doesn’t care that during his reign unemployment was at 12.5 percent, while there is now practically no unemployment, and who doesn’t care that when he was in government the police crippled people and pushed their eyes out, but this is not the case now. “Now, Gyurcsány and his disciples are behaving like pocket revolutionaries, except that the revolution has been cancelled for lack of interest”, the Minister of State said.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)