“No matter how many times George Soros goes to Brussels, no matter how many times the issue of illegal immigration is placed on the agenda, and no matter how many allies George Soros has in Brussels, we will not back down. Illegal immigrants will continue to not be allowed entry into Hungary in future”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said.

Following the historically important Hungarian elections that resulted in a historic victory, European developments are evolving “in a quite interesting manner”, Mr. Szijjártó said, listing four major points: some people are calling into question the final result of the Hungarian election despite the fact that there was a difference of 1.7 million votes between the first and second placed parties; the procedure against Hungary by the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) just four days after the elections; a week after the elections George Soros travelled to Brussels to hold talks with the Vice President of the European Commission, and finally, one day after George Soros’s visit to Brussels, the European Parliament held a plenary session on the UN Global Compact for Migration.

On Tuesday, a draft resolution also “materialised” in the European Parliament aimed at portraying migration as a fundamental human right and discussing the positive effects of migration, the Minister said. “The debate in the European Parliament is also a clear indication of the fact that Brussels and the UN want the same thing: for illegal immigrants to come to Europe”, he pointed out.

“Everything that became apparent during Tuesday’s EP debate is at odds with the interests of Hungary and the Hungarian people”, the Foreign Minister stressed. “We continue to reject in the strongest possible terms the fact that migration should be acknowledged as a fundamental human right. We continue to reject the claim that migration is a positive process”, he underlined.

“We demand that when we deal with migration we should place the security of our own citizens in first place, and this is what Hungary will continue to do in future”, he added.

Mr. Szijjártó put forward two questions: “If migration only has positive effects, how is it possible that over the past two and a half years 330 have been killed in Europe in terrorist attacks that have been committed by people with immigrant backgrounds?”, and “Why are George Soros and his people in the European Parliament fighting against certain European countries instead of acting to combat terrorism?”

The Minister rejected the approach according to which migration is a good response to population and job market challenges, stressing: “In Hungary we will be solving population and job market challenges with Hungarians and with Hungarian families”. “We would like to see more Hungarian children and more Hungarian families in Hungary, not more migrants. We love our own homeland and will not give it over to others”, he declared.