“We must strive to achieve a rational and prudent balance with relation to protecting against the virus, with due attention to protecting health, rebooting the economy and successfully returning to normal life”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in his pre-agenda speech before Parliament on Monday.

“The measures recently introduced by the government were determined by a set of three goals. including preparing the healthcare service system for a never before seen situation, providing the economy with a favourable starting position within the new global economic era, and bringing home Hungarians who have been stranded abroad through no fault of their own because of travel restrictions”, the Minister highlighted.

We have also been faced with political disputes recently, including “fundamental and ridiculous lies” with relation to the Coronavirus Act. You have heard that Parliament is not in session and have also met with “underhanded claims of Nazism”, he said. Now that the National Assembly may be preparing to put an end to the state of emergency, everyone “who has lied the opposite” could be so gracious as to apologise. “This will of course never happen, but it is sufficient that their attempts at spreading lies have been thwarted yet again”, the Hungarian Foreign Minister declared.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)