The European Union must come to a fair agreement with Britain as the absence of such an agreement would result in disastrous economic consequences for the EU, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said at his Wednesday press conference held in Budapest.

The Minister highlighted: Hungary’s expectation regarding the talks is that the EU cannot occupy an offended position. If it negotiates on the basis of having been offended, it cannot strike an agreement that is beneficial for it.

The negotiations must be aimed at a free trade agreement that is as comprehensive and as broad as possible. We need the closest possible economic, trade and investor cooperation as Britain is an important business partner of Hungary, he added.

Mr Szijjártó took the view that as at present the threat of terrorism is the most serious challenge in the life of the EU, we must maintain close security cooperation with Britain so that we may rely upon it in the collective protection of Europe.

DownloadPhoto: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

He further stressed that an agreement must be reached within the shortest possible time in order to protect the rights of EU nationals working in the territory of Britain, and it is a fair idea that, in return for this, the rights of the Brits working in the territory of the EU, too, must be equally guaranteed. This is a good basis for the coming negotiations.

The Foreign Minister said: the departure of Britain from the EU is bad news for the whole of Europe and for Hungary as the EU’s second and the world’s fifth largest economy is leaving the EU. At the same time, it is an express failure on the part of Brussels that the British people decided the way they did. Notwithstanding this circumstance, however, there have only been consequences in the form of resignations in London, while Brussels has failed to respond to the situation that has emerged in a like manner, he said.

He remarked: the decision of the British people must be respected. They alone have the right to decide on the future of their country, and therefore all approaches that are critical of this decision must be rejected.

As he said, there are radical changes taking place in the world which some acknowledge, while others dispute. But those who have so far denied that a new world order is emerging may now realise that they were wrong, he added.

Mr Szijjártó said: it has become clear in recent months that „the models which were previously glorified have failed”, and dogmas believed to be irrefutable have disappeared in the fog. A much more patriotic American foreign and economic policy is about to unfold, Britain is leaving the EU, due to Brussels’ stubbornness, the crisis in relations between the EU and Russia is intensifying, and meanwhile, China is engaged in a process of radical expansion, he listed.

He took the view that it follows from this that Europe must not make yet another mistake because that could have fatal consequences and Europe could fall behind without the hope of ever catching up.

In the Foreign Minister’s opinion, the British Prime Minister’s statement made on Tuesday was a clear and straightforward speech, and in order to reach an agreement at the end of the talks which is satisfactory both for Britain and the EU, we need such open and sincere talk. We need an agreement which has no precedent to follow and which cannot be compared with any other already existing agreement, he said.

In answer to a question, Mr Szijjártó also pointed out that the concept that some circles are trying to create, based on which societies are represented by non-governmental organisations, is false as there has never been an election yet where people had the option to choose from among them. The people are represented by elected Members of Parliament, and governments formed on the basis of the outcomes of the elections. Non-governmental organisations come into being on the basis of civil initiatives, and they have their voice heard on certain issues, he pointed out. He took the view that it is a well-founded expectation that, in the case of civil society organisations stating their views on public affairs, there should be clear and transparent information available with respect to where they receive their funding from.

In answer to another question, the Minister said: American businessman of Hungarian origin György Soros has to date exerted major influence over US foreign policy. It is another matter whether this will continue to remain the case. It is widely known what György Soros thinks about the Hungarian Government currently in office, but it is not for him to decide who governs the country. This must be left to the electors, the Foreign Minister said.