According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, left-liberal Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern is attempting to turn around his lack of internal political popularity by incessantly lashing out at Hungary, similar to Martin Schulz, the Chancellor-candidate of the German social democrats (SPD). We say no to „this liberal arrogance”, he said.

In his communication sent to the Hungarian news agency MTI on Sunday, Péter Szijjártó responded to the fact that the Austrian social democratic chancellor repeated in his interview published in the Sunday edition of the Austrian political newspaper Österreich: he supports the exertion of pressure on Hungary and Poland on the financial front.

Christian Kern said that “Europe is also a value community, and we therefore cannot accept that these countries eliminate democracy and the separation of the branches of power step by step, and restrict the freedom of the press”. According to the Austrian Chancellor, the necessary conclusions must be drawn. In answer to a question, he pointed out that this must be on the agenda under any circumstances at the next EU fiscal talks.

In his response, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade stressed: the European Union is indeed a value community, and the Hungarians see their security and the protection of the borders, “what’s more, the fact that we are also protecting Austria against illegal immigration” as a value.

Hungary, however, does not see it as part of the common values when someone interferes with the internal affairs of another country, and wants to tell the Hungarians whom they must live together with. “We say no to this liberal arrogance”, he added.

Mr Szijjártó wrote: the mandatory quotas have failed in the whole of Europe. Hungary would therefore deserve recognition, rather than criticism because “in contrast to the hypocrites”, Hungary has always frankly and clearly pointed out that it says no to the relocation of illegal immigrants.

He said: “the Austrian Chancellor is working on the resettlement of immigrants, the implementation of the Soros plan”. Hungary will always defend itself against this.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)