Any decision that opens Europe’s borders to illegal immigrants as the new Italian government has done is regrettable, but Hungary will protect its borders, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade stated on the public service television news channel M1 on Sunday.

Péter Szijjártó described the Italian decision which opens the borders to illegal immigrants as regrettable and dangerous as in its wake, he said, ever further masses could come to Europe illegally. But this is only the first step; those who let illegal immigrants in also want to distribute them among Member States, he added. This is another attempt to exert pressure on Member States so that they accept the migrant quotas, meaning that the mandatory distribution mechanism is on the agenda, the Foreign Minister said, adding that “we reject this”. The Minister said in the first seven months of the year, 224,000 immigrants arrived in Turkey, and according to official Greek information, the situation is exactly as it was in 2015. Europe is in danger, the Italian decision is an invitation for those who want to set out for Europe, and now they will, he added. Mr Szijjártó stressed that there is a single clear dividing line in Europe; the one between those who are opposed to and those who support illegal immigration. Hungary will not accept any quotas, and will protect its borders at any cost.