“We would like Hungary to not be a topic during the approaching Romanian local government and parliamentary election campaigns”, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó explained during a joint press conference with President of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (DAHR) Hunor Kelemen in Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár) on Tuesday.

The Minister said that in his opinion a good relationship has developed between Hungary and Romania during the coronavirus epidemic thanks to the mediation of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, but certain Romanian statements have “moved in an opposite direction to this”.
Mr. Szijjártó said he understands that the decision made at Trianon a hundred years ago might mean something totally different to Romanians and Hungarians. “For us, the decision made at Trianon is one of the saddest moments in history, but that does not mean we should be on bad terms”, he said.

“We are basing our relationship with Romania on a foundation of mutual respect”, he added. The Minister also noted that it is in the interests of both Hungary and Hungarians living in Romania for relations between the two countries to be good. “We asked that Romania regard the Hungarians living here as a resource. A resource that links us, and contributes to Romania’s performance. We asked that they help Hungarians living here to be able to experience their Hungarian identity, use their national symbols and native language, and nurture their traditions”, the Minister stated. “Hungary is treating the Romanians living on its territory in this way”, he added.

Mr. Szijjártó also mentioned that in recent weeks protective equipment donated by the Hungarian government had been sent to 55 Romanian hospitals, 239 schools and 91 church and charity organisations. He also added that 79 new nursery schools and kindergartens had been constructed in Romania and 385 have been refurbished thanks to 25 billion forints (EUR 71.5 million) in Hungarian state funding provided within the framework of the Nursery School Development Program.

The Minister also spoke about the Economic Development Program, which Hungary would like to continue, he stated. “Romania’s Foreign Minister has asked for a new agreement on this issue”, he noted. “If this is needed, we will try to negotiate the terms as soon as possible”, he declared. He also mentioned that he and former Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu had concluded a verbal agreement on the program.
In reply to a question from the press, Mr. Szijjártó said there was no need for him to reconcile with current Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu, because they had never had a difference of opinion. He also said that he will be travelling on from Cluj-Napoca to Alba Iulia (Gyulafehérvár) at the invitation of Roman Catholic Archbishop Gergely Kovács, who was appointed in February.

At the press conference, Hunor Kelemen thanked the Hungarian government for the assistance it has provided during the coronavirus pandemic. The DAHR President pointed out that the past 4-5 weeks in Romania have been spent in an anti-Hungarian atmosphere. “An anti-Hungarian race has begun among Romanian political personalities following the stigmatizing statement made by head of state Klaus Iohannis”, he said, expressing his hope that this race will be “a sprint, not a marathon”. Mr. Kelemen expressed his joy at the fact that according to a recent survey, the majority of Romanians do not regard the Hungarians as traitors, and a significant proportion of public influencers also condemn the head of state’s anti-Hungarian statement, adding that in his opinion moving forward requires an apology from Klaus Iohannis.

According to the DAHR President, Wednesday offers an opportunity for Romanian members of Parliament to make a gesture towards the Hungarian peoples by voting in favour of declaring 15 March a public holiday for Romanian Hungarians. According to the politician, the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Trianon is a day of celebration for the Romanians, but a day of mourning for Hungarians.

“When they are trying to force Hungarians to celebrate this day via legislation, it is as if they were asking an orphan to celebrate the anniversary of the death of his mother”, he added. “We expect respect and appreciation. We are not each other’s enemies”, the DAHR President stated.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade/MTI)